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In what has to be one of the worst displays of hyperlocal “journalism” by Buffalo Rising ever, I present Route 5 @ 5. In an attempt to sway the opinion of what we can assume they thought was an audience of bobble-heads, they posted a photo of a moderate amount of traffic coming off the…
Then there’s the other car…
Amanda’s 2003 Jetta GL 1.8T. I’m happy to say we sent the last payment today, so it’s now 100% owned by us and we’ve eliminated a loan! Always good to have one less negative on the balance sheet. Interestingly enough, I decided to check KBB to see the value and it’s placed at $9895 for…
Second Guess Thursday
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Ghost Hunters Live from Central Terminal
I’ve gotten out of the habit of cross posting all the stuff I post over at Buffalo Central Terminal on here, but this one deserves a special callout. In case you’ve missed it, SyFy’s Ghost Hunters will be broadcasting live for six hours from the Terminal on Halloween night. Whether or not you believe in…

Easter Sausage
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