Gold in the bucket
Since getting rejected to be a contributing photographer to, I’m challenging myself to take better photographs. Here’s a shot I took today that I really like:
Today I bring to an end a three year springtime tradition of shoveling half my driveway from the ditch across the street [where it gets plowed to] back to where it’s supposed to be. Yes, today we finally had a blacktop driveway put in. Here are the before and after shots:
Ariella got a new toy yesterday, and it’s bigger than her. She seems a little… anxious about it. Ok, I admit it – it was just an opportunely timed shot. She really is just as happy as ever. Although… she did keep waking up every few hours last night. Hmm… maybe the penguin really did…
You know that the problems on the East Side must be over when Fillmore District Councilmember David Franczyk has time to move on to such quality of life issues such as “booming car stereos.” From his interview on WBEN… “All throughout the city you’ll see at all hours of the day and night you’ll see…
Today was the car show and Restore Buffalo event at the Central Terminal. Kudos to Mike over at North Buffalo Journal and Review for this photo… The HDR process he uses on the shot really makes the terrazzo stand out!
Steven Horwitz, a professor of economics at St. Lawrence University, published a study that shows why local businesses are more effective in assisting in an emergency than the federal government. The study says Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Lowe’s made use of their local knowledge about supply chains, infrastructure, decision makers and other resources to provide…
FYI for anyone that’s trying to call us, our home phone is not accepting incoming calls. Call the cell instead. If you don’t know our cell numbers… you probably don’t know our home number either. Leave a comment. 😉