Gold in the bucket
Since getting rejected to be a contributing photographer to, I’m challenging myself to take better photographs. Here’s a shot I took today that I really like:
From… The Central Terminal Restoration Corporation would like to announce the election of two new board members, Kate Resetarits and Mark Lewandowski. Kate is new to working with the CTRC, but brings a lot of marketing and local construction contracting experience with her. Kate is very enthusiastic about the building and the project, and…
Yeah, that whole post one Europe photo a day thing was a failure. So was getting them all done before Christmas. So since it’s been a year now since we were in Europe, I’m giving up on the promises and just posting photos whenever I get around to it. And so we begin with Castello…
It’s a good thing we have all those braniacs working at the New York State Department of Transportation to tell us things like “the presence of freight traffic would make the Central Terminal ill-suited to be a passenger rail station again.” They must have done a lot of work coming to that conclusion. I mean…
The New York Times says… administration officials are counting on a lift this summer from the $168 billion economic stimulus package that Congress passed last week and from the Federal Reserve’s recent decisions to reduce short-term interest rates….[CEA Chair Edward Lazear] predicted that the stimulus package would create an additional 500,000 jobs this year. Economics…