WordPress upgraded
I just completed the upgrade of the site to use WordPress 2. It looks like everything’s working to me, but if you notice something out of whack, please leave me a comment. Thanks!
Back on to the Europe photos then. Still traipsing around Madrid, we are. Psst…. I also made a little tweak to the site’s CSS so that anytime I center an image it automatically adds a 20px black frame around it. Nice, huh?
Straight from WNYMedia.net, Congressman Higgins says that the Southtowns Connector project should be scrapped. “The Southtowns Connector project should be scrapped. It’s the longest running, most expensive transportation project in this region that hasn’t produced one public improvement, nor has it produced one construction or trades job. The fact of the matter is it never…
Amanda decided that she really didn’t want an office after all, so we decided to convert the smallest bedroom into my office instead. I think the before and after pictures are stunning. Before: After: My father-in-law and I installed a new hardwood floor, which is actually a blend of two different colors since he…
Amanda and I were early adopters of the East Aurora Cooperative Market. We signed up as member-owners back in 2010 after learning about their ambition to open a member-owned food market focusing on locally produced items. Earlier this year, the coop announced they were looking for board candidates. The group is set to announce their site location on…