From Buffalo Rising – Amanda and another costumed reveler at Oktoberfest!
It’s an exceptionally hot summer day in Buffalo. After a long, boring day at work, do you: A. Hop in the nearest pool B. Enjoy dinner and a movie in lovely, comforting air conditioning C. Take a stroll along the beach D. Rip four seasons of decorative crap out of the closet under the stairs…
BuffaloGeek has touched off a flurry of commentary about another couple downer articles in the news today. Another census analysis on Buffalo’s increasing population loss, and yet another iteration of the “all the young people are leaving” requiem. I was going to throw in my comments on Geek’s site, but this constant Buffalo FUD is…
Having had the privilege of logging quite a few airline miles on rarely the same airline in the last year, I’ve seen the extremely wide range of customer service offerings from both U.S. and foreign carriers. I’ve flown domestic carriers that offered nothing more than a 6oz soft drink on a 5 hour flight, to…