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A project 3.3 years in the making

So, this is the weekend where I finally get to upgrade our internal Lotus QuickPlace environment (a system which I’m responsible for) to the semi-current 6.5.x release. We’re still running the ancient 2.0.8 version, which has been out of support for eons already. I wrote my original plan to upgrade this system to version 3 in October of 2002. Yup, I went back and looked it up. Couldn’t believe it myself. So why has this project been strung out so long? I figured out the answer to that while taking Project Management training a few months ago. This project has no sponsor. Nobody really “owns” QuickPlace in our company. Nobody except myself ever pushes to try and upgrade or enhance this system (which shows you just how much influence I have). So, my beloved QuickPlace upgrade has gotton repeatedly brushed aside for more “important” projects.

But no longer! This is the weekend where it’s finally going to happen. I’ve got two new servers. I’ve got a Notes Admin helping out. I’ve got a LAN support contact making the necessary DNS change. And I’ve got a three day weekend that will be completely blown by me sitting in front of the damn computer for two-thirds of it watching, waiting, and testing. Rejoice!

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