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I wasn’t going to write a 9/11 post…
… but BuffaloGeek’s heartfelt post made me do it. Mostly because our stories are eerily similar – both involve geeks, wonderful women named Amanda, and an anniversary. Amanda and I had started dating in the late summer of 2001, so we were still really just getting to know each other. Of course everyone was a…
Dyngus Day
Thanks to for putting together this video covering last night’s Dyngus Day festivities at the Terminal, and in the whole Broadway-Fillmore area. It was certainly the most “alive” that I’ve seen the East Side, well, ever! The Terminal was cold… so cold in fact that the tap lines from the beer kegs froze a…
A small courtyard
Yeah… since it’s been almost 2 years since being in Europe, and now that I have Lightroom, I really have no more excuses for not finishing with this photo set. Plus, I’ve got a free photo book coupon that I want to use for this trip, so time to get back to work. I just…
Correct it for parallax and print it again. I’d love to see a side-by-side comparison.
There’s a lot of perspective correction already in this photo due to the wide angle lens being pointed upwards. I wanted to leave a little of the skew in because I like the effect, and if you overcorrect it makes the photo look flat. If I get a chance I’ll post the original.