One Red Daisy
There literally was only one red daisy out amongst a sea of white ones. Made for a decent photo.
Update: This photo now for sale on Dreamstime
Yes, we’re moving. No, we’re not leaving Erie County. And no, we’re not going to be the latest to move to a trendy new downtown loft. Now that those questions are out of the way, the next is, “Why are you moving?” Two main reasons. First, we purchased our home five years ago, relatively cheaply,…
Well, the overnight design refresh pushed my agent into all of the places on the server, so that’s good. I’ve decided not to risk modifying the agent to automatically delete the conflict docs, so I’m going into each place one-by-one and running the agent to select the docs, then deleting them with a quick visual…
Michele Johnson’s “Flipped” trailer is starting to get the attention of the local media. I stand by my viewpoint that eBay’s responsiblity is limited in this equation, although they could certainly help to alleviate the issue. What we really need to counteract the problem is tougher laws and enforcement in regards to fraudulently misrepresenting homes…
I know it’s kind of customary as a blogger to have a “blogroll”, or a list of links to other blogs. It’s the whole social networking thing. I’ve been thinking for awhile about how I wanted to set mine up, which is why I haven’t been adding links to my section on the right over…