One Red Daisy
There literally was only one red daisy out amongst a sea of white ones. Made for a decent photo.
Update: This photo now for sale on Dreamstime
Ok… not that it ever really closed. But this was our first opportunity to get out and do a little caching this year. For the uninitiated, Geocaching is an activity where an object of some type is hidden at a specific location. That location’s lattitue and longitude are published on a website, along with a…
June 11th marked the 10th anniversary of In actuality, this site has existed since my freshman year at RIT in 1995. The web was brand new at that point, and my roommate geeks and I were competing to see who could have the coolest website. It was a smorgasbord of repeating image backgrounds, animated…
The Central Terminal will be participating in Buffalo Old Home Week by offering a special tour: Central Terminal Tour Saturday, August 26th 2006 9:30 – 11:30 am Meet at the Central Terminal, Memorial Drive off Broadway to see Buffalo’s other Art Deco masterpiece. There is a $10 donation for this tour. I’m glad we were…