New Years Resolutions

I am not one to make resolutions for the new year. Only because I always start out strong and by the third week in January I am back to my old habits and feeling guilty about not getting those things done. BUT…..

If I had to make resolutions this year it would probably consist of the following.

  1. Spend more time talking/hanging out with my Sister-in-Law and Brother-in-Law. (Don’t panic guys, not planning on moving in or barging in on parties)
  2. Getting my own little projects in the house complete.
  3. Learning one new thing this year.

Of course I am all gung ho about this now because it is still Jan. 1, 2007 AND we went the the Sabres game and they won! We’ll see how I feel in a few more weeks! πŸ™‚ Good luck to everyone else who makes these resolutions!

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