Recycling is Bullshit
Got half an hour? Let Penn and Teller tell you a bit about the real costs of recycling.
Thanks, Craig.
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, recently commissioned a survey of American economists to find out their opinions on the presidential candidates. Interestingly, most economists are Democrats, and feel their party is the one with the right economic ideas. When asked which candidate for President would be best for the economy in the long run, not…
Ariella Sophia Punaro was born today, October 8, 2008 at 4:43pm. She weighed in at 8lbs 3oz and measured 20.5″. Amanda started having contractions after her doctor’s appointment yesterday, and we arrived at the hospital around midnight today. Her labor progressed steady through noon when she was fully dilated and they had her start pushing….
I was fortunate to acquire a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5 for work and I was spending a few minutes learning some of the features that have been introduced since Photoshop 6. I had a few of my Europe photos on my work computer, so I wanted to try a treatment on one particular photo…
From Random Thoughts 101, who kindly attended the town board meeting last night while the rest of us watched the Sabres game, the Hamburg Town Board smartly ended their misguided boycott of Mobil stations in the town. No word yet on whether or not Hochul bought all remaining copies of the New York Times from…
First off, the delays at the recently vanquished toll barriers sound much worse in today’s Buffalo News article than they actually are. The day the tolls ended was bad. Every day since then, they haven’t been significantly worse than when they were taking our cash. Possibly a minute or two slower at the Black Rock…