Recycling is Bullshit
Got half an hour? Let Penn and Teller tell you a bit about the real costs of recycling.
Thanks, Craig.
I’ve been watching “The Shot” on VH1, a pretty standard formula reality show about a group of budding photographers. I started watching it thinking it might be interesting since I like photography myself. Unfortunately, I think it suffers from not getting enough into the photography aspect, and focusing too much on the personalities of the…
Friday Five is my [most]weekly technology tidbits post. #1 – Google’s ’20 Percent Time’ Will Survive The Death of Google Labs [TechCrunch] Google announced this morning that it will be shutting down Google Labs, a platform that allowed users to interact and give feedback on experimental products produced by Googlers in their 20 Percent Time. While…
Earlier this week the Central Terminal Restoration Corporation announced changes to the Board of Directors, and I was part of them. I was elected to the Board, and as Treasurer. Mark Lewandowski, former VP and Treasurer, was elected President. Tony Bylewski was elected Vice-Chair. Sara Etten and Jeff Ingersoll, both former Board Members, were re-elected….
It’s odd. I don’t consider myself one of those “world travelers”. A year ago I didn’t even really have the desire to travel outside of the U.S. “There’s so much to see here, I don’t need to go over the ocean,” I would say. But life has an odd way of making decisions for you….
At a time when Ralph Wilson is bemoaning the future state of the Bills, our arch rivals show off all their large market glory with this… the world’s largest High Definition display: From Engadget, “the 720p display is a whopping 137 feet wide by 50 feet high, making its diagonal dimensions 1,750 inches.” Now if…
Buffalo Central Terminal Second Annual Train Show September 8 & 9, 10am-4pm Adults:$5.00, Children (3-12): $2.00, Family:$10.00 (2 adults & 2 kids). Attractions include: * Operating Train Layouts for all the family to enjoy. * Craftsmans Corner, to learn new ways to improve your layout. * Children’s play area with Thomas the Tank. * Door…