East Side architecture
Want to read a little bit about East Side architecture? Check out this great article by Mike Miller over at Broadway-Fillmore Alive.
Isis has been moping since the vet made him wear a collar so he’d stop licking his battle scar, and he looked just completely forlorn and desperate to go outside. I, of course, saw that as an opportunity to take a couple of photos and play with some lighting.
No matter where Wal-Mart attempts to go, NIMBY’s are sure to be found. Hamburg is no different. According to The Sun a group of 18 whopping people showed up at the Hamburg Planning Board meeting to protest Wal-Mart’s move to the ghost town known as Brierwood Plaza. The group cited several thinly veiled NIMBYistic concerns,…
While out trying to find Amanda a new easter bonnet, er… outfit, we noticed that Dollar Tree has moved into the former Oak Expressions (whatever the name was, don’t remember exactly) building. This in itself wouldn’t be big news except that it IS big. Real big. That store is huge compared to most other Dollar…
Derek, can you copy the CD with all the information on it for me? I can bring it with me on Saturday. I want to return the original to Bob Sienkiewicz.
Sure thing.