Bangalore, India
Here’s the last of the photos from my trip to Asia. These were taken at various locations in Bangalore, India.
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Dear Governor Spitzer, I’m not going to spend much time on this letter, because I’m fairly certain you’re not going to understand it anyways. It’s hard to teach an old Democrat new concepts, like economics. I read through your State of Upstate address and boy was I impressed. It’s astounding how someone who spent so…
Craig links to a Buffalo News editorial of someone that’s actually speaking rationally when it comes to redeveloping the Skyway. The majority of people going to the waterfront will drive there. So what is the difference if you drive over a bridge, which blocks the river, or over the Skyway, which does not? The problem…
Argh. Ok, I wasn’t going to do it, but Mike seems insistent on passing this little piece of trash around the blogosphere. Here’s a lawyer who thinks that the wire, not the people who create the contents that flow through it, have free speech rights. Even if neutrality mandates made good sense, they should not…
Friday Five is my [most]weekly technology tidbits post that I write for my internal Praxair blog and cross-post here. #1 – Google+ invite received, we go hands-on [Engadget] When news of Google Plus’ arrival broke today, we called the service an “all out assault on social networking.” After playing around with it for a bit,…
Having had the privilege of logging quite a few airline miles on rarely the same airline in the last year, I’ve seen the extremely wide range of customer service offerings from both U.S. and foreign carriers. I’ve flown domestic carriers that offered nothing more than a 6oz soft drink on a 5 hour flight, to…