Bangalore, India
Here’s the last of the photos from my trip to Asia. These were taken at various locations in Bangalore, India.
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It’s odd. I don’t consider myself one of those “world travelers”. A year ago I didn’t even really have the desire to travel outside of the U.S. “There’s so much to see here, I don’t need to go over the ocean,” I would say. But life has an odd way of making decisions for you….
Variety Club is holding a fundraising Halloween Party at the Terminal on Saturday October 28th, 6pm-midnight. This isn’t a CTRC-sponsored event, we’re just renting out the building, but I like to share all events going on at the Terminal. 🙂
Take a very close look at this graphic prepared by the Department of Energy: Now tell me… who is gouging the consumer? Only 18% of the cost of a gallon of gas is even related to the refiner… and it includes their profit AND cost. The government, which has no part in the acquiring, refining,…
Good article from the New York Times on the broader concept of free trade. I doubt there’s a human being on earth who hasn’t benefited from the opportunity to trade freely with his neighbors. Imagine what your life would be like if you had to grow your own food, make your own clothes and rely…