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Tonight: Chef Stew
You had to expect that we hadn’t heard the end of the Issac Hayes incident. Tonight, Trey Parker and Matt Stone strike back: Hayes, also a Scientologist, is the subject of The Return of Chef!, a hastily assembled 10th-season premiere airing tonight (Comedy Central, 10 ET/PT) and written in response to the actor’s exit. Details…
Spam of the Week 7/23
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Welcome to Spamburg!
Apparently, the entire Hamburg Town Board is comprised of individuals who believe everything they get in their email inbox. In the resolution passed unanimously by the board, all town residents are asked to boycott Exxon Mobil. It also includes a directive that no town owned vehicles used Exxon Mobil. Councilwoman Hochul says profits recorded by…
BuffaloPundit has been writing an excellent series of posts on the misnomer movement down in Bass Pro land. Frankly, I’m getting sick of the Tim Tielmans that are tarnishing the respectable “preservationist” moniker that many of us enjoy. Every time someone embarks on a personal battle to protest the latest development and they tack on…
Mr. Biden needs a Constitution refresher
via Power Line… For a man of Biden’s experience, this is a surprising series of misstatements. First of all, he gets wrong one of the most basic facts about the Constitution: Article 1 establishes the legislative branch, not, as Biden said, the executive branch. This is not exactly an obscure fact; my 17-year-old daughter pointed…
Erie County screwmobile drives on
One of the stories I caught that I haven’t had a chance to write about here is this gem from yesterday’s paper. Supposedly, every non-profit group selling food at local events needs a $106 permit from the county Health Department. Chris Byrd adds his analysis: Imagine a place where not-for-profits, etc. lost a bulk of…