Coloring eggs
I have over 1000 photos from Europe to process, but to remain timely here are some photos from Easter egg coloring. Happy Easter!
Do you have strong feelings of loyalty towards certain brands? Generally, I don’t. For many products, I’m happy buying whatever is cheapest at the moment. That often consists of store brands, like Wegmans pasta sauces, or ice cream, or… cat food. We’re 2 for 2 in recall roulette this year. First, there was the peanut…
I’ve been a bit lax in posting updates here (as per usual) however most know from other social media sources that I was elected to the EA Coop Board of Directors earlier this year. The Coop is now in the middle of it’s most important venture – the capital campaign to raise the necessary funds…
On our second trip to the Fair, we convinced Ariella to skip the paid rides and head over to the train exhibit. Right next to the train was this beautiful sea of green. I had fun with these pics… Ok… one train photo.
Three days ago I wrote this: Oh, and at $109.95/month, it’s not even that great a deal. Last month, my combined Time Warner cable/internet and Verizon Voicewing service came to $118.18, including taxes and the extras like the HD DVR. I can guarantee those extra fees are going to total more than $9 when tacked…
Boldly going where no one else would go… I direct you to Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you’ll find a link that will take you inside Hens and Kelly. Brierwood Plaza will still come down, but some photographers are always able to find beauty in the most derelict of buildings….
Yeah! This makes me want to go eat a Cadburry cream egg! ….actually I ALWAYS want one of those. 😀
Happy Easter!! Beautiful pictures!
I can’t get over how grown up she looks already! Really cute!
My God, she looks like a little person now, not a baby! Wow, they do grow so fast! She looks adorable and looks like she had a fun time. 🙂
On a photo note….why are you using Flickr?? Shutterfly’s competitor??