
Sad Day

All day long, like most WNYers I’m sure, I have been watching the news about the horrible plane crash in Clarence.  I can imagine what the families and friends are going through right now, only because I too have been through personal tragedies of my own.  Both friends, both lost senselessly.

But what goes through my mind more than anything else is how many times this could have been me waiting for Derek to come home from as far away as Asia or Europe.  How many times have I stood in the exact same spot that these families were standing, waiting for their loved ones to come off the plane and walk down the aisle to them.  How many times have any of us stood there, waiting.  I can only imagine their pain when they found that there would be no one coming to meet them there this time.

Perhaps it is because I am a new Mommy now, but I am so completely grateful that my Husband came home from work today safe and sound.  All the while, however, feeling a bit of the pain that those victim’s families feel tonight.  If only there was some way to take that away from them, from anyone feeling that unrelenting hurt in their souls tonight.  Last night at this time, they were just going about their normal business, looking forward to seeing someone again.  Not even those getting on the plane knew it would be their last departure.

Hug your families tonight.  Long and hard.  Say I Love You more than once and mean it with every fiber of your being.

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One Comment

  1. I love you, Mandy. Can’t hug you, but I can say it with every fiber of my being, even if it’s just in text.

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