Photos from Shanghai, China
Read my trip recap, if you haven’t yet.
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Each 4th of July party at our house is headlined by a smoked turkey. We usually pick an extra one (or three) up around Thanksgiving when they’re insanely cheap and keep it socked away in the freezer until a week before the 4th, when the defrosting process begins. This year’s bird was 19 lbs, and…
I’ve attempted two “minor” homeowner projects in the last couple of weeks that should have been breezes. The first – replace the nasty stove hood that was here when we bought the house, had no filter, and which I had repeatedly super glued the light knob back on to. The second, add adjustable wire shelving…
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse than Navy Seals… I saw this headline on (originally posted on and I was hoping it was going to link me to a satirical story about another Hollywood actor-turned-omniscient. Unfortunately, there was no satire to be found, it was serious. Made me feel bad…
Continued from Know when to run Friday came and things were looking up. Other than some caulking and finishing work, we were slated to finish the installation up. First step was, as always, shutting the water off and removing the sink from it’s temporary perch. Since the sink still wasn’t sitting quite right in the…
USAToday profiles Buffalo’s housing market, one of the few to remain a steady grower while other areas of the country go POP! While many cities have suffered the effects of subprime mortgages and home foreclosures, Buffalo’s housing market — including suburban areas such as Amherst and Orchard Park — has enjoyed a slow but steady…
From all those photographs, the one that struck me (and probably not many others) the most is the one with the bicycles all lined up. The juxtaposition of very modern with the very communist-egalitarian is a hoot. I have a similar photograph from my trip to Shanghai – hundreds upon hundreds of bicycles, all virtually identical, Schwinn-looking, rust-covered, circa 1950s. I never did find out if they were community property or individually owned, but I couldn’t imagine knowing how to tell mine from the others, had I owned one.
I guess you had to be there.
Hooters in China….. I like them more and more all the time.
Have seen many of your photos, but I don’t really remember alot of them not to say that they aren’t good but there are a few here that have really caught my eye — the black and white tree lined pathway is amazing. I also really enjoyed the sunset skyline shot and night lites shot. Very good shots Derek from what looks like an amazing place to visit.