Photos from Shanghai, China
Read my trip recap, if you haven’t yet.
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I’m just too busy to find the time to write up a description about our trip, so I’ll post a few photo albums and show you some of the new camera work. Enjoy! This album is powered by BubbleShare – Add to my blog
I’ve been talking about the Terminal’s upcoming Oktoberfest coming up in a little over a week, but I don’t want anyone to forget about THIS Saturday’s 5th annual Buffalo Brewfest being held at the Terminal for the first time ever! I’ve haven’t been to the previous Brewfests, but it should be a great event! It’s…
A week ago I decided it would be a good idea to get my septic tank pumped. We’ve been in the house a year, and it had been about two years before that since the previous owner had it pumped. With winter and the baby on the way, it seemed like it might be a…
A couple years ago, my father-in-law kept talking about going “leak hunting”. That sounded like what we do at the Terminal on rainy Saturdays to find drains that need to be repaired. What I didn’t realize was that he was talking about leeks, not leaks. You may be familiar with leeks that you find at…
(apologies to Bon Jovi) I ran across an editorial in The Sun the other day from another anti-Wal-Mart individual. Obviously, anti-Wal-Martites are not at all unique, but this one tries to play the preservation card. While Hamburg seems to be split on the issue of the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter, I stand firm on my belief…
From all those photographs, the one that struck me (and probably not many others) the most is the one with the bicycles all lined up. The juxtaposition of very modern with the very communist-egalitarian is a hoot. I have a similar photograph from my trip to Shanghai – hundreds upon hundreds of bicycles, all virtually identical, Schwinn-looking, rust-covered, circa 1950s. I never did find out if they were community property or individually owned, but I couldn’t imagine knowing how to tell mine from the others, had I owned one.
I guess you had to be there.
Hooters in China….. I like them more and more all the time.
Have seen many of your photos, but I don’t really remember alot of them not to say that they aren’t good but there are a few here that have really caught my eye — the black and white tree lined pathway is amazing. I also really enjoyed the sunset skyline shot and night lites shot. Very good shots Derek from what looks like an amazing place to visit.