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Morning Sickness is for the Dogs

Granted I have been having more good days than bad lately, however there is one thing that is beginning to bother me. When I tell people that I am not feeling well I get “Why?” or “Oh suck it up, there’s tons of pregnant women out there, you’re not the only one.” or “You need to get over it and just ignore it.” or, my personal favorite, “You have to stop sitting around and thinking about it all the time, you are only making it worse!”

Know who says most of these thing to me? PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER GONE THROUGH MORNING SICKNESS!! If you’ve never gone through it, or had one day where you threw up your lunch cause it smelled bad to you, how can you tell me to ‘Suck it up?’ It’s like having the flu without the fever or achiness. Mainly you feel nauseas ALL THE TIME. No matter what you are doing, who you are talking to or what you are trying to eat.

I know this sounds like a complaint, so let me assure anyone who is still listening out there, that I am MORE than ecstatic with being pregnant and can not WAIT until Oct comes around to have this baby. But this feeling sick all the time? DONE! There is so much I need to do around the house and little things that I just can not force myself to do (like dishes because it makes my stomach turn to see left over food on plates) and it is driving me crazy sitting here “finding” things to do with my time that do not involve too much movement or food stuffs.

Derek has been wonderful and completely understanding. He is an unbelievable Husband, honest to GOD! Just had to put that out there so everyone knows that he is one of the only people who truly is compassionate (to my face anyway) for my current situation.

So please, if you love me and really want to make this easier for me, (cause making a baby is much more hard work than one night of great sex) PLEASE don’t try to evaluate and figure out why I am still having bad days with this. I’m pregnant. Every pregnancy is different and every woman who goes through it is different. This is how my body is dealing with it. And if anyone reading this did NOT go through morning sickness, take up religion again, go to church, temple or mosque and THANK GOD!

P.S. Again, this is in no way reflecting on my wonderful child growing inside me. It is doing just fine, hanging out, waiting to be big enough to start kicking my bladder. I’ll write about that when it happens too, I’m sure. 🙂

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  1. Amanda—

    Aren’t you glad you have this blog so you can say all the things you WISH you could say to all the people who have no idea what your going through!!!

    I’m so sorry to hear that you have been sick…I am certain you know that it gets better SOON.

    My one girlfriends sister was so sick during her pregnancy and she kept *bucking* up because she thought she was supposed to and that’s just how it was etc…and she ended up in the hospital quite sick and dehydrated. So much for all those people telling her “to suck it up”

    Keep doing what your doing and count your lucky stars you have such a great hubby to go through all this with you.

    I wish you wellness and smiles.


  2. Im sorry that you arent feeling well. I wish I could relate but I know I can’t. Just know that Im sending good thoughts your way. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. 🙂

  3. Just dropped by your site and saw that Amanda is having upchuck problems. The last time I had a nasty experience was almost 52 years ago. I have recommended Emitrol to other pregos in the past and it has helped them. If you guys haven’t tried it you might want to see if it helps.

  4. Hi Amanda,

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling up to par. When you hold that precious bundle of joy, you will realize that it was all worth it. Take care, hope to see you soon.


  5. Hi, don’t know you but found your blog searching morning sickness. I see this is from 2008 so I bet you’ve already had your beautiful baby – lucky!! Man, am I ever right there with you – I feel like death warmed over every day. Reading your blog, it doesn’t sound like you’re working full time (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). If that’s the case, you should definitely at least be grateful for that – I can’t tell you how horrible it is knowing I have so much to do and no matter how sick I feel I’m going to have to force myself to get out of bed and go to work. I loved your comment about people who threw up a few times in their pregnancy and thinks that constitutes “pretty bad morning sickness.” Or, people who are like “I can totally relate – I’ve been through it twice. I didn’t really have morning sickness, but I was so tired all of the time. It was awful.” Oh poor baby, let me cry a million tears for you! Guess what? I’m tired too – but it’s because I’m up half the night throwing up!!! Man do I hate that! OK, I feel better now 🙂

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