Photo history of the Central Terminal
Much thanks to CTRC Secretary Sara Etten for putting together this great video on the Terminal’s history and progress!
Variety Club is holding a fundraising Halloween Party at the Terminal on Saturday October 28th, 6pm-midnight. This isn’t a CTRC-sponsored event, we’re just renting out the building, but I like to share all events going on at the Terminal. 🙂
Neither of these really warrants it’s own post, so… Hella cool! DirecTV started carrying BET Jazz (now called BET J) as of today! I caught this station when I was down in San Antonio in December and thought it was great there was a jazz channel. Unfortunately, it looks like since they’ve “reinvented themselves as…
As I mentioned before – being on top of the Duomo is just amazing. Several of my favorite photographs from the trip come from this vista. We spent over an hour here, and if we had more time I would have spent longer. This is the type of stuff I love taking photos of. This…
After seven parties in six days, we finally get a break… until New Year’s Eve, when everyone will be coming here. Christmas is by far the busiest season for us. Amanda sang four masses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, in between the various parties. I used my last two vacation days on the 21st…
While using National Fuel’s online account services I got this fabulous error message: Error ! The current browser is either too old or too modern (usind DOM document structure). Thanks, National Fuel. I’ll be sure to upgrade or downgrade my browser so I can continue using your site.