Photo history of the Central Terminal
Much thanks to CTRC Secretary Sara Etten for putting together this great video on the Terminal’s history and progress!
And now for something completely different… So, back when I owned my Eclipse I bought all these neon lights. When I traded it in, I pulled them all out and they were shoved in a box doing nothing. Last year I had the brilliant idea of throwing them on my John Deere LA145. It has…
Someone call the Hardly Boys! After my Saturday adventures in the attic, I picked up two mouse traps from Home Depot, baited them with peanut butter, and stuck them in the attic. Monday evening there were two dead mice in the attic. I disposed of them and reset the traps. Went up to check today……
So we just carved our pumpkins and I grabbed the camera to play around a little bit. Got some cool results! Here they are on their own… Here I added a little light painting with an LED flashlight gelled with a full CTO… Strobe behind the pumpkin, with my Sto-Fen Omni Bounce makes a Spooky…
Ok, I figured since my job really requires that I stay up on all this new web technology stuff, I’d jump into the whole Twitter “microblogging” thing. Probably a good thing for me since I don’t blog as much as I would like to. It’s much quicker to write something that’s 140 characters or less….
Check out this handy chart at which outlines all the major US carriers and their fees for everything from checking baggage to alcohol to unaccompanied minors. I didn’t even realize there was a fee for that. Of course, some parents may consider that a cheap day care.