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Bloggercon V: Oktoberfest

Ok, Buffalo bloggers, it’s official. Bloggercon V will be held at the Central Terminal during our second annual Oktoberfest celebration.

Date: September 23 (yes September! Oktoberfest in Germany begins on September 16th this year)
Time: 6pm-11pm
Location: Buffalo Central Terminal, 495 Paderewski Drive, Buffalo NY 14212
Cost: Admission is $5

There will be lots of German food and beer available for sale, and entertainment provided by The Frankfurters! I will reserve a couple of tables for the bloggers to sit around and chat. Still working on whether we can do the wireless internet access or not.

What better way to ring in the autumn blogging season that with a traditional fall event in a Buffalo landmark building with all the proceeds going to a good cause? Start spreading the word!

The Frankfurters

Buffalo Central Terminal Oktoberfest

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  1. I’ll be there =)

    I do have to ask though… why on earth would we want wireless internet? This event should be an oasis of unplugged-from-the-internets bliss! We all need leave our collective bloggerdom geekiness at the door!

  2. I’ll leave it up to each blogger to restrict their own level of geekiness. For anyone that might want it though, it should be available. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m definitely in, and probably bringing a friend who (gasp) moved here from sunny LA. And I don’t mean Lackawanna. πŸ™‚

  4. I’m with Gabe. Why in heaven’s name would you want to be on la machine when surrounded by beer and food!
    Give it up for a day…
    I will be there. I will drag as many humans with me as I can.

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