Goo Goo Trivia
Most Buffalonians know that Johnny Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls grew up in Buffalo. But do you know where? Hint: It was 3 Doors Down, not the Goos, that did a Superman-related song.
Red got me thinking that I should log my Idol prediction before the show is actually over. I picked Chris Daughtry pretty much since they went to Hollywood. I’m sticking with that prediction. If by some chance he does get voted off, he’ll have the first album out, and you can be sure it will…
While I would prefer to not write anything contradictory to articles written by other members of groups I participate in, the proposed aftermarket stereo installation legislation is still assaulting my eardrums. Here’s a prime example of why Franczyk doesn’t have a clue as to what he’s talking about – in his interviews he has repeatedly…