Photos from Madrid
Here’s a few photos from the first stop on my Europe trip – Madrid. Click on the photo to see the full-size slideshow.
Poor Dave Franczyk is having some troubles this week, due to his flippant use of the term “ethnic cleansing” in regards to the Catholic church consolidating parishes on the east side. Since music soothes, I thought I’d send him this virtual present. *snicker*
I’m sure you didn’t forget, but just in case… the second annual Oktoberfest/Fourth annual Picnic on the Plaza/Fifth periodic Buffalo Bloggercon is this Saturday! Bloggers – come out and share a beer with your fellow local bloggers in person! Not a blogger? No matter! Come be a part of Buffalo’s premier Oktoberfest event! German food,…
The absurdity of appointing someone to become Treasury Secretary who can’t figure out how to pay their taxes correctly seems to be lost on most of America. I mean, this is “Change we can believe in?” How does failing to correctly pay your income taxes not once, not twice, not three times, but four times…
This is already “old” news, but I thought I’d mention it anyways… the Paderewski Drive approach to the Central Terminal (that’s the part between the circle and where the parking lot officially begins) has been repaved! Photo by Nathan Vester If you’ve been to the Terminal before, you’ll really appreciate the fact that driving up…