Photos from Madrid
Here’s a few photos from the first stop on my Europe trip – Madrid. Click on the photo to see the full-size slideshow.
Amanda and I recently stayed at a Bed & Breakfast near Rochester called Springdale Farm. It was small with only two guest rooms and a single open dining/living room, but nice and reasonably priced. Since Deeva was asking about my photography yesterday, I thought I’d share a couple of my most recent photos. Nothing spectacular,…
Incremental progress over the last couple weeks. Drain tile and waterproofing was added. One the foundation was inspected, backfilling and rough grading was done. Our other accomplishment was to rent a Bobcat and turn our mountain of wood chips into a nice hiking trail! Stay tuned for a future video showing the hiking trail! Probably…
BuffaloPundit has been writing an excellent series of posts on the misnomer movement down in Bass Pro land. Frankly, I’m getting sick of the Tim Tielmans that are tarnishing the respectable “preservationist” moniker that many of us enjoy. Every time someone embarks on a personal battle to protest the latest development and they tack on…
Our house came with it’s very own, not recently used, 8.5′ Birdview satellite dish. You know, one of these big suckers: I really had no use for it and since it was blocking my tractor’s path into the garden, began looking for options to dispose of it. I found a group of people that amazingly…