Photos from Dusseldorf and Cologne
From Business First… The McKinley Mall’s redevelopment effort has landed one of the biggest names in electronic retailing. Best Buy has signed a long-term lease to occupy 30,000-square-feet in the town of Hamburg shopping center. The store is slated to open by June 2007. “Best Buy is an important part of the redevelopment at McKinley,”…
Spent the week in sunny California – Anaheim area. One highlight of the trip was getting to visit the Queen Mary. Interestingly, the city of Long Beach owns the Queen Mary, and purchased it for $3.45 million – considerably more than it’s scrap value in 1967. It now leases it out to various entities, where…
Since not everyone may read the comments, I’m promoting this one to the main page. If you can help Mr. York, please drop him an email. My father was the Captain of the Aquarama, his name was Captain James E. York . I would like to know if there is anybody that knew who he…