Brugge, Belgium
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, recently commissioned a survey of American economists to find out their opinions on the presidential candidates. Interestingly, most economists are Democrats, and feel their party is the one with the right economic ideas. When asked which candidate for President would be best for the economy in the long run, not…
So, I got this email from Premier Wines/Prime Wines/Prestige Wines begging me to help it keep wine out of supermarkets with what has to be the weakest, most self-serving arguments ever: Don’t let “Big Box Greed” endanger your friends and family. • Wine in 16,000 more outlets means more traffic fatalities • Five times more…
I’ll be honest. I really don’t care about the sicko Congressman NAMBLA wannabe story that’s been getting all the attention the past few days. The Congress issue that really pissed me off this weekend was the passage of the Safe Port Act. Not that I have anything against our ports being safe, but because they…
I was fortunate to acquire a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5 for work and I was spending a few minutes learning some of the features that have been introduced since Photoshop 6. I had a few of my Europe photos on my work computer, so I wanted to try a treatment on one particular photo…
Well, I have to say this has been going a lot quicker than I thought it would. Porting over all my old content has been a breeze, although I’ll probably spend some time in the future reworking some of it. I still need to rework the navigation and fix a slew of UI problems, but…