Continued from Count your money
The new countertops came this morning, and they look great. The real stinger is that they were in and out in an hour! Now we just need a little finish work… and a new floor. To be continued…
Continued from Count your money
The new countertops came this morning, and they look great. The real stinger is that they were in and out in an hour! Now we just need a little finish work… and a new floor. To be continued…
As I sat in the Comprehensive Plan meeting earlier this week, discussions touched on subjects such as what makes Hamburg unique from other Western New York towns, and how do we draw people in to bring in income from non-residents. Immediately, my thoughts turned to the waterfront. Having a waterfront is an instant advantage over…
Oktoberfest at the Terminal went pretty darn well this year! Our biggest problem was that while we had more tables than in the past, we didn’t have more chairs to go with them, so some people were complaining about the lack of seating. However, this year we didn’t run out of food or beer and…
Turns out, New York State’s STAR program failed in it’s primary goal – to reduce the property tax burden. It actually had the opposite of it’s intended effect – it accelerated spending by local school districts, which in turn raises the homeowner’s taxes. I really don’t understand how politicians think. If a whole bunch of…
My brief blogging hiatus was due to a two week work trip to Europe. This was my first trip overseas and it was quite interesting, if exhausting at times. I visited nine cities in five different countries, used five airports and seven train stations, drove the Autobahn, and sat in countless taxis, buses, and subways….
Amanda and I both planned to take today off and turn this into a four day weekend for the sole purpose of going skiing. Planning ahead for a ski day is always tricky since you never know what the weather is going to be like, but today worked out perfectly. First, the weather was the…
I’ve been talking about the Terminal’s upcoming Oktoberfest coming up in a little over a week, but I don’t want anyone to forget about THIS Saturday’s 5th annual Buffalo Brewfest being held at the Terminal for the first time ever! I’ve haven’t been to the previous Brewfests, but it should be a great event! It’s…