Score 3!
Overall, a good day for geocaching in Como Park, but Dam the Cayuga Cache is becoming our arch nemesis.
Two of our Easter traditions are going to the Broadway Market and to Galley’s Nursery for flowers. The Market was much more navigable today than on Holy Saturday, when we usually go. We picked up some sausage, pierogis, and a butter lamb from Camellia’s. I’ve always been partial to Wardynski’s, but Camellia’s sausage has a…
And now for something completely different… So, back when I owned my Eclipse I bought all these neon lights. When I traded it in, I pulled them all out and they were shoved in a box doing nothing. Last year I had the brilliant idea of throwing them on my John Deere LA145. It has…
Steven Horwitz, a professor of economics at St. Lawrence University, published a study that shows why local businesses are more effective in assisting in an emergency than the federal government. The study says Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Lowe’s made use of their local knowledge about supply chains, infrastructure, decision makers and other resources to provide…
BuffaloGeek has touched off a flurry of commentary about another couple downer articles in the news today. Another census analysis on Buffalo’s increasing population loss, and yet another iteration of the “all the young people are leaving” requiem. I was going to throw in my comments on Geek’s site, but this constant Buffalo FUD is…
Back on to the Europe photos then. Still traipsing around Madrid, we are. Psst…. I also made a little tweak to the site’s CSS so that anytime I center an image it automatically adds a 20px black frame around it. Nice, huh?