Dancing Queen
She dances, she crowd surfs, she adds a little more cowbell… and wait until you see the big ending!
Yeah, that whole post one Europe photo a day thing was a failure. So was getting them all done before Christmas. So since it’s been a year now since we were in Europe, I’m giving up on the promises and just posting photos whenever I get around to it. And so we begin with Castello…
Let’s start off with the big news of the week – Microsoft buying Skype: #1 – 5 Key Takeaways From the Microsoft-Skype Press Conference [gigaom] On the morning Microsoft made its $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype official, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Skype CEO Tony Bates held a press conference in downtown San Francisco to discuss…
My ongoing saga of mice in the attic continues. After removing #6 and #7, I decided to pick up two more traps since this one at a time seemed to be taking too long. This morning I removed #8, #9, and #10. It doesn’t seem to matter how many you remove, there’s always another one…
Let’s start off in the world of Twitter… #1 – Official: TweetDeck Has Been Acquired By Twitter [Tweetdeck Blog] The past three years have been an epic journey, with many highs and lows, accompanied by the constant thrill of never really knowing what to expect next. We’ve grown from one team member and a single user,…
Steven Horwitz, a professor of economics at St. Lawrence University, published a study that shows why local businesses are more effective in assisting in an emergency than the federal government. The study says Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Lowe’s made use of their local knowledge about supply chains, infrastructure, decision makers and other resources to provide…
I don’t usually get into these blogging meme things, but this one is kind of fun. Create your own totally random album cover! Here are the rules… Go to Wikipedia’s random article page. The first article you get is the name of your band. Go to the Random Quotations page. The last four words of…
she gets her moves from her auntie. 🙂
Whoooopsie! Hehehe…. So cute!