Ken Block + Top Gear = Pure Awesome
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Not too long ago I wrote about Time Warner’s Home Phone service not being that great a deal, when price compared to Verizon’s VoiceWing service. While that still seems to be the case, I’m having a much bigger problem with VoiceWing lately. Two actually – the service and the support. My VoiceWing service has several,…
Finally! I’ve had this project on my to-do list since I launched version 4 of Now you can see larger versions of all the photos used in the banner in this slideshow on Flickr. Clicking on a photo will display more information about it. I also updated the banner, swapping out some old…
Two articles on Buffalo Rising that you should read: Cool Space- 443 Delaware Avenue. Check out the slideshow of this building by architects Bley & Lyman, also responsible for the Eckhardt Building on Broadway and Fillmore. $1.4 billion vision for harbor district. Complete with artist rendering of how the harbor can be developed without having…