Craziest car control… like… ever
This is just sick.
Variety Club is holding a fundraising Halloween Party at the Terminal on Saturday October 28th, 6pm-midnight. This isn’t a CTRC-sponsored event, we’re just renting out the building, but I like to share all events going on at the Terminal. 🙂
It always bugs me that one of the much ballyhooed reasons to tear down the Skyway is because it would “make sense fiscally for Western New York in the long run.” But where is the actual math to back this up? Well, let’s start with what it costs to maintain the Skyway. Using the Good…
What if companies sponsored roads, like the “HSBC I-190”? Then, let’s say they made all the exits that would lead you to a nearby HSBC branch 4 lanes wide, always freshly paved, and if you exit there, a nice gentleman in a tux would hand you a cup of coffee while you wait for the…
If this isn’t Karmic justice, nothing is… Train kills man trying to kill woman A man trying to kill his girlfriend by stopping a car in front of an approaching train was himself killed Monday when the train hit the vehicle and launched it into him as he tried to flee, police said. The girlfriend…
A Buffalo News report from June 30th quotes James A. Everatt, one of the Aquarama’s owners, saying that the ship would not be sold for scrap. The mothballed and rusting Marine Star, the very large eyesore disguised as a ship docked for the past 12 years in Buffalo’s outer harbor, was headed “in the very…