Take a spin on the Comet
Relive the good ol’ days, YouTube style:
Courtesy of MKG
Maybe all it took was writing about feeling non-productive to kick myself in the pants. Maybe all it took was a strong desire to be able to fit both cars in the garage again so we don’t need to scrape ice off them in the morning anymore. Then again, it could have been getting woken…
“Lotus – the final frontier. These are the days of Lotusphere. It’s continuing mission – to seek out new connections and new technologies; to boldly go where no company has gone before.” – Patrick Stewart, Lotusphere 2004 Opening General Session It’s Lotusphere week, and this year’s keynote speaker did not hail from the Star Trek…
With California Attorney General Bill Lockyer being the first to launch an investigation into oil company “profiteering”, I’m sure the antithesis of big business, Eliot Spitzer, is chomping at the bit to get in on the action and play to the hearts of the liberal voters. I hope he does. I hope he breaks down…
The second stop on our recent vacation was to Pennsylvania Dutch/Amish Country. We stayed at a wonderful Bed & Breakfast called the Silverstone Inn run by two outstanding hosts, Toni and Lorin Wortel. The Inn is a restored 1750s farmhouse, and features over 10 acres of farmland, an active fresh water spring, sheep, and some…
Not a title you’d typically expect for a Lotus-geek related post, but I’m using it for good reason. A couple years ago I came up with this org chart hierarchy database that would create a visual representation of a person in the address book, showing their manager, their peers, and their subordinates, all based on…
BuffaloGeek has touched off a flurry of commentary about another couple downer articles in the news today. Another census analysis on Buffalo’s increasing population loss, and yet another iteration of the “all the young people are leaving” requiem. I was going to throw in my comments on Geek’s site, but this constant Buffalo FUD is…
Sweet video! Glad I watched before dinner.