Election liveblog @ WNYMedia.net
Come hang out at the WNYMedia.net election liveblog where we hope that David DiPietro ousts Dale Volker!
Amanda and I recently stayed at a Bed & Breakfast near Rochester called Springdale Farm. It was small with only two guest rooms and a single open dining/living room, but nice and reasonably priced. Since Deeva was asking about my photography yesterday, I thought I’d share a couple of my most recent photos. Nothing spectacular,…
For Easter I made four 2kg batches of sausage – two for the smoker, one fresh batch for the grill, and a batch of breakfast sausage links (not shown). It was my first time using curing salts and smoking the sausage at a lower temp (160-180 F) than normal smoking temps. It was a tasty experiment, I…
The Prison of the Psychotic Damned premiere went really well! The first screening was standing room only, and the second was pretty full as well. For a full review, check out North Buffalo Journal and Review’s recap of the event. Nice meeting you, Mike! I’ll just add a few photos of my own… Dave Franczyk…
This is an odd situation… everyone is blogging about the latest round of county budget disasters, and I agree with all of them. At least, I agree in part with what everyone is saying. This is why I find it so difficult to pick a side, or a party, or even a basic political philosophy….
The radio this morning nailed it home. They were reporting on some survey of “young adults” and the upcoming election cycle. “The majority of 18-29 year olds feel they will have a significant impact on the next election.” That’s when I realized that as of yesterday, I was no longer part of that demographic. I…
The New York Times says… administration officials are counting on a lift this summer from the $168 billion economic stimulus package that Congress passed last week and from the Federal Reserve’s recent decisions to reduce short-term interest rates….[CEA Chair Edward Lazear] predicted that the stimulus package would create an additional 500,000 jobs this year. Economics…