Hehe… “Perfect for Dr. Ron Paul“
FYI for anyone that’s trying to call us, our home phone is not accepting incoming calls. Call the cell instead. If you don’t know our cell numbers… you probably don’t know our home number either. Leave a comment. 😉
Ticket cameras. Politicians love them because it’s an easy sell to the safety advocates, and if you say you’re against them, then you must be a criminal. Now at least some Buffalo politicians, such as Mayor Brown, are on the red light camera bandwagon. However, the mayor may have played his hand too early by…
Some times, those DIY homeowner projects just don’t work out the way you plan. Who am I kidding, they NEVER work out the way you plan! In this particular case, though, even with the best intentions and days of planning and work, the project went completely belly up. The idea was simple. My in-laws were…
Back on to the Europe photos then. Still traipsing around Madrid, we are. Psst…. I also made a little tweak to the site’s CSS so that anytime I center an image it automatically adds a 20px black frame around it. Nice, huh?
Didn’t have much to say over the weekend, as Amanda and I were busy landscaping the whole time. The good news is that the backyard looks great now and should be in fine shape for the big party on the 4th. I still have a long list of things I’d like to get done before…