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Charter chatter
So BuffaloGeek and BuffaloPundit have been discussing the county charter and the review meetings that were recently held. I did not attend any of the meetings. I did review the recommendations and generally I agree with them, and frankly didn’t feel I could offer much in the way of informed criticism of them. That and…
Where is that durned Aquarama now?
Parked at the Port of Trois-Rivières in Quebec. Click the link or the photo to take you to the port’s webcam. The current rumor is that it’s going to Malaysia to become a casino, but it’s all just rumors for now.
eBay and House Flipping
Below is a letter that the Anti-Flipping Task Force sent to eBay: (from Buffalo Issue Alerts) April 13, 2006 Michelle Mallory Peacock Deputy Director, State Governmental Regulations eBay, Inc. 2145 Hamilton Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 Dear Ms. Peacock: We appreciate that eBay is taking our concerns seriously, as stated in your letter dated February…
You give love, er, preservation a bad name
(apologies to Bon Jovi) I ran across an editorial in The Sun the other day from another anti-Wal-Mart individual. Obviously, anti-Wal-Martites are not at all unique, but this one tries to play the preservation card. While Hamburg seems to be split on the issue of the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter, I stand firm on my belief…
Grape Irony
So, I got this email from Premier Wines/Prime Wines/Prestige Wines begging me to help it keep wine out of supermarkets with what has to be the weakest, most self-serving arguments ever: Don’t let “Big Box Greed” endanger your friends and family. • Wine in 16,000 more outlets means more traffic fatalities • Five times more…
Oh MyGod!!! I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the whole world can see the littlest Punaro. Ain’t technology great?
That’s about as wonderful a thing as imaginable. I am so very happy for you two! Wait until the next pictures…just like this one, they’ll take your breath away.
I cant tell who Dot looks more like just yet.. but Im going out on the limb here and going to say its a boy!