Brugge, Belgium
Hat tip to fix buffalo today for running across this excellent video clip on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater. This building has always been at the top of my list of places to go see, and even without seeing it in person I know that it’s my dream house.
While I didn’t actually step foot outside the airport, KLIA is quite scenic in it’s own right. Since I had four hours to kill between China and India, I took advantage of the architecture. Click to view full sized
FYI for anyone that’s trying to call us, our home phone is not accepting incoming calls. Call the cell instead. If you don’t know our cell numbers… you probably don’t know our home number either. Leave a comment. 😉
I work in a corporate environment. Things are done for reasons that often baffle the masses. I’m generally pretty good at understanding both sides of an issue. Today’s just took the cake, though. Everyone in our office today walked in to find their normal sized garbage cans replaced with these, seemingly from the world of…
Congressman Brian Higgins recently released a news brief citing a report from the NYSDOT entitled “New York State Route 5 Buffalo Skyway Management Study“. In his press release, Higgins selectively released facts to bolster his position that tearing down the Skyway makes the most sense. According to the report, presented by the NYSDOT at the…
North Coast Online shares some hard data about post-Park East Milwaukee. Seems that John Norquist’s silver bullet project has done nothing to halt the declining population in Milwaukee. Craig postulates… So along with Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Baltimore as cities we might do well not to emulate, how about we add Milwaukee to the list? In…