Brugge, Belgium
Ahh, New York. State government continues it’s quest to unearth every non-taxed dollar. Once again facing a looming deficit by their own mismanagement, the latest budget cycle included a new law to tax successful internet businesses that don’t have any physical stores or employees in New York. Our beloved state would never let something like…
If you didn’t read yesterday’s entry, start there. Select Comfort’s corporate headquarters is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Above is the traffic map for my site today. The darker the green, the higher the percentage of traffic originated there. Needless to say, my Twitter campaign to better inform potential Select Comfort customers was being heard in…
I’m no big fan of Wal-Mart. I don’t go there more than once or twice a year. Frankly, I believe that Wal-Mart probably could stand to pay their employees a little more or expand their healthcare coverage a bit. But I strongly believe that Maryland’s bill targeting Wal-Mart is wrong on so many levels. I’m…
Been swamped at work this week, so I haven’t even had a chance to give an update on the new car. I picked it up Tuesday night. In a final fit of protest by the Eclipse, as I pulled the plug from the radar detector out of the power outlet it completely fell apart into…