Even in the future nothing works
Oops. Seems like Lexus might not have quite gotten their new auto-parking feature right. I wonder if this feature is seen as a liability by insurance companies?
So while Buffalonians daily pay $0.75 – $1.50 to the Thruway Authority to take the 190 to get to their jobs in Buffalo, Big George decided to give $10 million of that away so that boaters on the canal don’t have to pay lock fees. Great thinking, George. Way to live up to the Republican…
I was thinking about writing an update on Facebook about the latest in our home building adventure when I remembered – hey – we have our own blog. We pretty much stopped writing here when Facebook and Twitter got popular, exchanging blogging for microblogging. But since microblogging became social media which is now mostly everyone…
From the WNY Progress Report: I know some will question the rationale in New York giving $1.2 billion in tax breaks and other incentives to a private company, but I think such questions can be easily answered in 2 ways: $2 billion in private investment and at least 1,200 permanent good paying jobs with AMD…
This Christmas season is proving to be exceptionally challenging trying to get shopping done, cookies baked, the house prepped for Christmas, and everything else that needs to be done while managing Ariella’s eating/sleeping/pooping schedule. Amanda also came down with a sinus infection that’s had her mostly benched since Thursday. We wouldn’t trade it for anything,…
Good grief, that was a charlie-fox right there.
I personally think that if you need the car to park for you, you shouldn’t be behind the wheel in the first place.