Cruise Into The Past
Just one quick shot to share from yesterday’s car show at the Terminal. I may put together a slide show if I get a chance.
Well, I have to say this has been going a lot quicker than I thought it would. Porting over all my old content has been a breeze, although I’ll probably spend some time in the future reworking some of it. I still need to rework the navigation and fix a slew of UI problems, but…
Amanda’s Aunt Fran has written a lot of music in her years, but none of it has ever been recorded. We acquired a folder with several of her pieces and picked a song to record for her. Her sheet music consisted of the melody and lyrics, so I spent a few nights working out the…
One of the things that makes Buffalo great is the fact that it’s so easy to get around. While many urbanites decry Buffalo’s network of highways, being able to quickly get from the northtowns to the southtowns in half an hour is a feature not found in many population centers. Business First has another reason…
With only 14 hours left before my replica General Lee is sold on eBay, I thought perhaps I could appeal to my lovely wife by offering her a car she could relate to… the original Ecto 1. Now on sale, direct from George Barris‘ personal collection, for the low low price of… $149,998.