Cruise Into The Past
Just one quick shot to share from yesterday’s car show at the Terminal. I may put together a slide show if I get a chance.
Yes, it’s true! All the Buffalo-area news sources are reporting that the I-190 tolls are no longer – and for good! The booths themselves are supposed to come down next year. As someone who takes the 190 daily (although I only pay in one direction) this will personally save me quite a bit of money….
A grandma who will remain unnamed let Ariella get her little fingers in our ice cream cake the other night at Amanda and my combined birthday celebration. A big thank you to everyone for your generous gifts!
#1 – Videos from Design of Everyday Things [Don Norman’s] One upon a time, many years ago — 1994 to be precise — The Voyager Company produced a delightful CD-ROM that included copies of several of my books (“Design of Everyday Things,” “Things that Make Us Smart,” and “Turn Signals Are the Facial Expressions…