
A Day In My Life

BuffaloGeek has his running thread on his blog about A Day In The Life so I thought I would post my own here. Only because my day is so boring that taking pictures of it would basically look like this:

Wake up, turn on computer, look for jobs, look for jobs, look for jobs, read some fan fiction, feed kitty, shower, look for jobs, look for jobs, write e-mail, check e-mail, look for jobs, meet Derek for lunch on the river, drive home, check e-mail, look for jobs, avoid doing dishes or laundry, get upset because a deer ate ALL MY FRICKIN ROSE BUDS, play with my kitty Isis, look for jobs, sit on nice new patio in the sun, talk to aunts, comfort kitty so he knows the nice driveway guy is not going to come into the house and kill us with his loud equipment, look for jobs, talk to Derek, write a blog post, make dinner, check e-mail, water plants outside so we have nice big tomatos, look for jobs, watch tv, read more fanfiction, bed.

There was a LOT more playing with my Kitty in there, but I didn’t want to bore you…… ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  1. You will find a great job!! ( look whos giving advice here the insane woman who has worked for free for almost 4 yrs lol)Seriously I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  2. Yeah, I’m using them all. WNYSchooljobs.org, Buffalo State’s CDC site, jobfinder, Monster. I have honestly about 25 resume’s and applications out there for everything and anything teaching related and even a few non-teaching jobs. If nothing comes through, I’m moving to Australia. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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