Titanic II
You had me until “Warm liquid goo phase.” Check out the trailer! Via Alex Halavais.
Courtesy of Mike Miller… Well, after almost a year of soliciting vendors and model train clubs, CTRC members Beverly Mruk and Mark Lewandowski (board member) have pulled off what is destined to be the biggest model train show in Western New York! At last count, we will have 122 model train and train-related vendors plying…
A grandma who will remain unnamed let Ariella get her little fingers in our ice cream cake the other night at Amanda and my combined birthday celebration. A big thank you to everyone for your generous gifts!
As a long time computer geek, I often think about where computing is headed in the future, both near and far. Since a large part of my day job is adapting technology for the average person’s needs, I’m also acutely aware of the issues that hold it back. It’s one of the reasons that’s driven…
“But, Derek – aren’t you on vacation today and Monday?” you’re asking. Yes, I am. But I already had a treasure trove of material for this week’s Friday Five by Thursday, so I drafted and scheduled this post for Friday. Ah… the awesomeness of scheduled publishing. #1 – Social Media Policy [Youtube via Digital Landfill]…
I finally had the opportunity to listing to WNYMedia’s interview with Congressman Higgins. Who would have guessed that we’d be actually be agreeing on Route 5 issues? Higgins said, “The fact of the matter is according to the Department of Transportation, you have some 43,000 vehicles that travel from the Southtowns into the city of…