Recent comments plugin added
Take a gander over at the sidebar and check out the new addition of “Recent Comments”. Ooooooh. Aaaaaaah. This is the Simple-Recent-Comments plugin. WordPress rocks.
I’ve been watching “The Shot” on VH1, a pretty standard formula reality show about a group of budding photographers. I started watching it thinking it might be interesting since I like photography myself. Unfortunately, I think it suffers from not getting enough into the photography aspect, and focusing too much on the personalities of the…
Earlier this week I attended and presented at BarCamp Buffalo. You can see a couple quick glimpses of me presenting in this nicely done clip by Watch Buffalo BarCamp | View More Free Videos Online at It was a fun event, and while I was initially concerned that my presentation (on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server…
In what may be one of the stupidest governmental resolutions yet… right from my own backyard: Hamburg councilwoman Kathy Hochul says the town is hoping to make a statement to big oil companies by targeting one of them with a gas boycott. She says town vehicles will not be refilling gas tanks at any Exxon-Mobil…
Amanda and I had the opportunity to go with Chris Byrd and Mike Miller of Broadway-Fillmore Alive to visit the former Sears building on that corner. Here’s a series of photos of the Broadway/Fillmore area taken from the roof. Keep an eye on BFA’s site to see some photos of the Sears building itself. BFA…
For the past few years I’m hemmed and hawed about entering some photos in the Fair’s photography competition. This year I saw the Fair advertise a “digital camera shootout”. You were to show up at a designated date and time, they would assign you a category, then you would have two hours to shoot as…