Oakland’s trash
Good(?) to know that other areas of the country are as screwed up as NY is. Oakland wants a takeout tax to pay for litter clean-up. Great idea! Way to get to the root of the problem there, Cali!
You know what’s great about getting early snow when you’re building a house on top of a hill in ski country? Nothing. Progress slowed down considerably since last update, although there were still some key accomplishments. #1 – Windows all got installed: #2 – Roofing all got installed. We were told that they couldn’t get…
The Aquarama is gone. For the first time in a long time, there was an unobstructed view of the south side of the Cargill grain elevator, as the Aquarama, more recently known as the Marine Star, was no longer docked along side it. It seems that the rumors were true, and that it is headed…
I think these are the last three shots I’ll post before we start on the Duomo photos. Amanda corrected me on the last post that she was in fact with me at this point in the trip. Otherwise, I may never have bought the chestnuts in the last photo…
Funny, but I don’t ever remember putting “seeing a Terry Buchwald show” on my personal list of must-do Buffalo things. Regardless, Amanda and I had the, um, pleasure last night at a benefit for Variety Club organized by one of her coworkers. Don’t get me wrong, the benefit was great – well organized, well attended,…
So a little less than a year ago, I took some temperature measurements in my attic to see if the installation of a ridge vent would cool it off any. Here’s last years (pre-ridge vent) numbers: Updates: Attic:113.2°F Outside Max:85°F Attic:95.5°F Outside Max:70°F Attic:106.5°F Outside Max: 75°F Here’s the new (post-ridge vent) numbers: Attic:100.9°F Outside…