Quickplace upgrade, hour 65
Well, the overnight design refresh pushed my agent into all of the places on the server, so that’s good. I’ve decided not to risk modifying the agent to automatically delete the conflict docs, so I’m going into each place one-by-one and running the agent to select the docs, then deleting them with a quick visual check to make sure it’s only grabbing the conflicts. Not ideal, but at this point it’s just boring work, not difficult work. At least this only affected the main.nsf dbs and not all the subrooms.
I also got a bit of a surprise to find out that even though my testing showed otherwise, a lot of the existing places got the updates to the theme that I put in the placetypes. There must have been some modifications to the theme in the test place I was using that caused it to not get the updated theme. That’s kind of good, but might slightly surprise some people.