Oakland’s trash
Good(?) to know that other areas of the country are as screwed up as NY is. Oakland wants a takeout tax to pay for litter clean-up. Great idea! Way to get to the root of the problem there, Cali!
No matter how many times I read this, I can’t make up my mind whether it’s really cool or really dumb. I’m torn, because I think the idea of building an instrument to play the next few notes of a piece while that piece is being played is a neat idea. I think the idea…
Didn’t have much to say over the weekend, as Amanda and I were busy landscaping the whole time. The good news is that the backyard looks great now and should be in fine shape for the big party on the 4th. I still have a long list of things I’d like to get done before…
The News had a story on the “triple play” packages being offered by your local communications companies. The triple play is the bundling of a home phone service, TV, and internet all by the same provider for a theoretically better price. I say “theoretically” because while the price is almost certainly always better than if…
After checking my Technorati profile, I noticed a link from a blog that I wasn’t familiar with. They quoted my Tax Freedom Day post from last week. I’m flattered. Democracy In Action (.org) is “the first nonprofit organization providing an affordable, integrated online campaign solution for nonprofits of any size.” Cool. Sounds like my kind…
Sometimes it’s very beneficial to know how to do some relatively simple “advanced beginner” maintenance tasks on your own vehicle. Such as today when my rear brakes started squealing. I ran down to Pep Boys, picked up a new set of pads, and threw them on the car for a total cost of $27.18 and…