Snow band
For you non-Buffalonians, this is a pictoral definition of a snow band:
Time Warner is certainly advertising the hell out of their new home phone service. I’m guessing it’s because it’s really not that good of a deal. When I had my landline phone and DSL package from Verizon, on average I paid about $49 a month for the phone portion of my bill, taxes included. We…
Last December, I was sitting in a hotel room in San Antonio flipping through channels on the TV when I ran across this guy shouting, throwing chairs, and banging on an array of sound effects buttons. That in itself isn’t all that peculiar in the age of Jerry Springer. What was is that he was…
Oh please, please, please, Time Warner, follow in the footsteps of Comcast and start offering a Tivo. It’s nothing against your fabulous HD DVR (other than it’s lousy Atari 2600-esque interface, poorly designed remote, and the complete lack of features that make the Tivo great – like the ability to easily record only first run…
I sent out this press release yesterday and Buffalo Rising picked it up immediately. I forgot about posting it here, but since other bloggers are picking up on it now… The Central Terminal Restoration Corporation (CTRC) is pleased to announce our 2006 schedule of events. Returning this year is our Ninth Annual Spring Cleanup, the…
Great shots!