Snow band
For you non-Buffalonians, this is a pictoral definition of a snow band:
Do you have strong feelings of loyalty towards certain brands? Generally, I don’t. For many products, I’m happy buying whatever is cheapest at the moment. That often consists of store brands, like Wegmans pasta sauces, or ice cream, or… cat food. We’re 2 for 2 in recall roulette this year. First, there was the peanut…
Time to venture away from the politics for a moment and talk about something completely different – fireplaces. Our house came equipped with a wood burning fireplace, and I absolutely love it. What’s better than a roaring fire tempering a cold morning, or a soft romantic glow in the evening? I often sit entranced just…
Geek has the funniest quote I’ve read in awhile… 52% of the voters think the state is headed in the wrong direction, the other 48% must be union members or hermits. Uh…. yeah. I’d be really curious as to exactly what are the “right” steps are that people think New York has been taking.
I ran across Cardavenue while reading an article in Money magazine and loved the idea – a website where you can go and post gift cards that you have acquired that you don’t want or need, and try to trade them for other merchants that you might rather have instead. I got a couple Buca…
Great shots!