Snow band
For you non-Buffalonians, this is a pictoral definition of a snow band:
2010 was an incredible year for us. It started with an amazing trip to Europe, which I never quite finished blogging about and Derek never quite finished post-processing pictures of. We had such a wonderful time, but were very happy to come home to our beautiful daughter. On my trip in June to see my…
Monday was Ariella’s preschool open house/orientation. Of course I snapped a few photos… Today was the first official day of preschool – no parents! You can see how concerned Ariella was about this… Of course she was fine with the whole experience. And now she can finally tell people that she does something other…
To my complete shock and utter disbelief, the driving habits of thousands of Western New Yorkers did not suddenly improve after my exposé of their faults. Perhaps they felt I was unfairly singling them out, that they had good reasons for driving in the left lane. Ok. Let’s be fair and review some reasons, both…
I saw this story on Craig’s site, and it intrigued me. We’re all constantly hearing about how Americans work more and give up vacation time. So when someone comes out with a study that seems to indicate the opposite, it warrants some attention. So I decided to read the study, all sixty-some pages of it…
I get such a kick out of seeing bloggers using South Park references in their posts. Alan did it talking about the BMHA. Craig did it in his post about the Peace Bridge. I’m sure there’s more than these, but I’m just starting to weave through the web of weblogs out there. South Park’s predecessor,…
Great shots!