Maintenance in progress
Hosting provider change is now complete, but I’m [obviously] playing with the theme. If you find any issues, please comment here.
This Christmas season is proving to be exceptionally challenging trying to get shopping done, cookies baked, the house prepped for Christmas, and everything else that needs to be done while managing Ariella’s eating/sleeping/pooping schedule. Amanda also came down with a sinus infection that’s had her mostly benched since Thursday. We wouldn’t trade it for anything,…
As I mentioned before – being on top of the Duomo is just amazing. Several of my favorite photographs from the trip come from this vista. We spent over an hour here, and if we had more time I would have spent longer. This is the type of stuff I love taking photos of. This…
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, recently commissioned a survey of American economists to find out their opinions on the presidential candidates. Interestingly, most economists are Democrats, and feel their party is the one with the right economic ideas. When asked which candidate for President would be best for the economy in the long run, not…
It’s been six years since I’ve been out of school, and longer than that since I’ve had a summer vacation, so the only thing that somewhat delineates the summer period for me is the break our church choir takes for a few months. Our last choir mass was yesterday, so until sometime in September I…
Ariella Sophia Punaro was born today, October 8, 2008 at 4:43pm. She weighed in at 8lbs 3oz and measured 20.5″. Amanda started having contractions after her doctor’s appointment yesterday, and we arrived at the hospital around midnight today. Her labor progressed steady through noon when she was fully dilated and they had her start pushing….