For Easter I made four 2kg batches of sausage – two for the smoker, one fresh batch for the grill, and a batch of breakfast sausage links (not shown). It was my first time using curing salts and smoking the sausage at a lower temp (160-180 F) than normal smoking temps. It was a tasty experiment, I learned a few things, and will certainly be making additional batches in the future! Here are some pics:
Here’s a batch of Polish sausage just stuffed, ready for the smoker
The sausage air dries on an unlit grill
Loosen the coil up to allow it to dry on all sides
Sausage is coiled on the smoker again leaving room on all sides for even smoke coverage
These remote probe thermometers show the temp of each sausage coil and the upper grate temp
Here’s a coil of fresh Polish sausage right off the grill. I used indirect heat to not char the sausage too much.
Here’s a batch of smoked sausage right off the smoker. You can see a couple spots where the casing was understuffed.
After crashing the hot sausage in an ice bath, we let it “bloom” for 2-3 hours to let the color darken and the flavor mature a bit.
If you’re going to make quotes like, “San Antonio doesn’t have a strip mall next to the Alamo” on the assumption that nobody in Buffalo has ever been to San Antonio, you should realize you’re going to get called on it. You know what The Alamo has around it? A mall, some chain restaurants, and…
Generally, I don’t give much creedence to the accuracy of weather forcasting in Buffalo, but I do keep ForecastFox running down at the bottom of Firefox because it’s much less intrusive than Weatherbug. So this morning, I fire up my browser and see this: *click* Wow. Buffalonians are going to be clamoring for snow soon!
I had intended on going out to take photos of the eclipse, but instead found myself enthralled with the total view of the night sky. This, my friends, is why you move out to the country. (click for full size view) Here’s the Eclipse, nearly full.
100+ schools closed because of high winds. Surely the Skyway must have been closed, right? Nope. Sorry, folks. To be fair, it was closed for about an hour earlier in the week in one direction only because of a fender bender. That’s the first time this winter.
That is one mega sausage. Bet that would be perfect at a barbeque.