2013 In Pictures
Some shots from 2013…
Well, I finally finished going through all the QuickPlaces removing conflict docs. This brings the QuickPlace upgrade to a close…. or does it? Well it would, but it seems that somewhere along the line the address book on our production internet server decided to play hide and seek with some of our custom design elements…
If you’re going to make quotes like, “San Antonio doesn’t have a strip mall next to the Alamo” on the assumption that nobody in Buffalo has ever been to San Antonio, you should realize you’re going to get called on it. You know what The Alamo has around it? A mall, some chain restaurants, and…
I love the Tax Foundation because they tend to uncomplicate tax issues so that everyone can understand them. Their annual Tax Freedom Day report was released today. It tells you, quite simply, that if you started giving your entire paycheck to the government on January 1st and weren’t allowed to keep any for yourself until…
Today marks the anniversary of the founding of Praxair, the company I work for, which has been part of the Buffalo landscape since 1907. The company known today as Praxair was born as Linde Air Products Company by Dr. Karl von Linde, a German professor and entrepreneur who invented the cryogenic process for the liquefaction…