2013 In Pictures
Some shots from 2013…
Yes, we’re moving. No, we’re not leaving Erie County. And no, we’re not going to be the latest to move to a trendy new downtown loft. Now that those questions are out of the way, the next is, “Why are you moving?” Two main reasons. First, we purchased our home five years ago, relatively cheaply,…
In what has to be one of the worst displays of hyperlocal “journalism” by Buffalo Rising ever, I present Route 5 @ 5. In an attempt to sway the opinion of what we can assume they thought was an audience of bobble-heads, they posted a photo of a moderate amount of traffic coming off the…
There are lots of great applications and technologies out there for us internet addicts to use as we read and blog. Generally these technologies are invented to fulfill a specific need, but then are frequently adapted by others to extend beyond the original purpose. Generally that purpose is advertising or spam. Take Twitter, for instance….
The race is only in my head, but I’m still curious as to who’s redesign is going to get launched first – BuffaloCentralTerminal.org, or WNYMedia.net. I have it on pretty good authority that the CTRC’s new site will be up by the end of the weekend. WNYMedia.net has been crippled for a couple days. Not…