Cambree, startled
This is just too funny. So glad we were recording at the time…
While I didn’t actually step foot outside the airport, KLIA is quite scenic in it’s own right. Since I had four hours to kill between China and India, I took advantage of the architecture. Click to view full sized
The decision to wean your child is a very personal one. It effects many different aspects of your life. But it does not break the bond between Mother and child, mine still cries for me despite the fact that her milk now comes from a bottle. I can kiss her little head while she is…
Today was the car show and Restore Buffalo event at the Central Terminal. Kudos to Mike over at North Buffalo Journal and Review for this photo… The HDR process he uses on the shot really makes the terrazzo stand out!
Amanda and I were early adopters of the East Aurora Cooperative Market. We signed up as member-owners back in 2010 after learning about their ambition to open a member-owned food market focusing on locally produced items. Earlier this year, the coop announced they were looking for board candidates. The group is set to announce their site location on…
We’re going to be having some roof work done in the next month or so, and one of the tasks is to install a ridge vent along the main peak of the house. I have a pretty sizeable attic, but the only ventilation is through two relatively small gable vents at each end. The roofing…