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Bring it Back to Life benefit for the Buffalo Central Terminal
Bring it Back to Life benefit for the Buffalo Central Terminal Press Release: The long awaited release of the CD COMPILATION entitled “Bring It Back To Lifeâ€, featuring the finest recording groups from Buffalo and Western New York should be ready for release in December. This will be followed by a PRESS PARTY in early…
No stang you
Ugh. I’m sorry, but they’re bringing Knight Rider back and they made KITT into a ricer Mustang? Ok, Hollywood. Rule #1 of TV shows where the main character was a car – if you really feel the need to do a reunion, you can’t change the main character! Although, maybe since Will Arnett is now…
Windows Live Local street-side imaging in Buffalo
I spotted this truck the other day at Mighty Taco on Sheridan and snapped a very poor photo of it with my Treo (lighting was on the wrong side, sorry). I forgot all about it until I saw this topic come up on Buffalo Issue Alerts. The idea is that in addition to satellite and…